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  • Sometime a woman driver can get a cheaper quote, so there are some woman only car insurance specialists. It cost less for women because a woman motorist is not so likely to have an expensive accident, also women are less likely to have a car insurance conviction.
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  • A driver with convictions on his or her license can have trouble finding an online cheap car insurance quote. Even a single car insurance conviction can cost money, especially if it is something like drink driving or driving without car insurance ( in10 ). If you have a conviction or some convictions then you should click here for a car insurance conviction quote.
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Most of the main insurance companies offer a website for online quotes. Superquote deals with most of them, including direct line, admiral, norwich union, churchill, elephant, quotelinedirect , budget , firebond etc. Here is some more info about some of them.

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  • The Cardiff based admiral insurance is a competitive direct insurance company admiral car insurance specialise in drivers who have to pay a higher than average premium.
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  • Go to elephant for cheap insurance - elephant car insurance is one of the best motor quote sites in the uk, it is very popular because of the cheap rates. Elephant .co.uk car insurance is part of admiral insurance, but it is internet only.


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You can visit the "drivers without claims history" page. If you are accident free and claim free you can get big discounts.When you have everal years motoring without a claim,then you will have maximum no cliams bouns - you will then qualify as careful driver.

You can get up to 75% no claim discount.The careful driver will have "proof of bonus" earned over some years which can be put to good use.

Some companies will also require that you have a clean driving license, but not all.

Superquote can even take care of your car security, you can get a thatcham approved alarm or a tracker or an immobiliser, which can help you to save on your motor insurance insruance cover. If you have a car alarm / security system then your car is less likely to be stolen and you can also save on the cost of insurance cover.

There is a page of Superquote that is just for uk van insurance and other commercial vehicle policies. It has a complete online van insurance quote engine so you can get an immediate quote. If you need van insurance or commercial vehicle insurance then this page is for you.

Also, we can recommend some sites for holiday travel insurance for you and your family or business journeys to international or foreign destinations. You can get a quote to cover a medical condition such as an accident or illness. Winter sport insurance and adventure holiday insurance policies are available as well as. Click here for an online travel insurance quote and immediate cover. Annual ( or multi trip ) and shorter term travel insurance policies can be got for the regular or occasional traveller. So if you are a backpacker or going on vacation for a holiday of just a single trip or for the whole summer you should get some cover in case of the unforseen. It dosn't matter if you are going to Europe or Asia or America ( the USA ), nor whether you travel by air or sea or land - you will need some protection from a reputable travel insurance company.


Superquote is build and run on Linux. For more info click here. Linux is used because it is part of the free software movement and is a good environment for the job.

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